Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Monument For Fred

Get better old man


Gustavo Galvan said...

Critizism for this piece, well i can tell that you like titling your art pieces. I was confused about the rock with holes. why did it have hole and it seemed like you started to actually cut the groves out, but then stopped. also what where you trying to represent with the text. Just a name for the piece. Presentation of this piece was very good, and professional. In a was i really dont like the text, i feel thatwith out it i could not understand whathte monument was for, and i reall cant think of any other way to show a monument to tschita?

Jonathan said...

The presentation of this piece seems inspired by a the devotion of student for a teacher/mentor/friend. The photograph shows the bronze rock surrounded by Fred's tools, but there isn't any information on where the piece would be placed in Alfred. Or is the placement in Fred's studio? A transient solution at best.
Without an artist statement I can only infer a meaning of stability from the symbol of the rock and a sense of knowledge from the light emminating from its core. The wooden base, however throws me because if built in a larger scale the wood would break down over time. If the wood represents an aspect of Fred, is the artist trying to say he is coarse and unfinished? Regarding the lettering, I believe this could have used more attention as well, as its uneven. If words are to be used in a monument, there is nearly as much attention given to their creation as to the monument itself, because these marks speak to viewer in lieu of the artist. I think this part should have been thought through a bit more and/or discussed in an artist statement/proposal for the monument.
Overall, this is a well intended piece which I think Fred would appreciate.